Sunday, June 4, 2017

#30. Creatively complaining about your dinner (where's the meat?)

A friend of mine posted a picture of his dinner on Facebook, that looked a lot like the following picture:

This is one of those things that everyone will either love or hate. The banchan (반찬, the side dishes aside from the rice and the soup) are all made up of spring herbs. They might look delicious and very seasonal to some people. But to most Koreans, where vegetarianism is not as common as in North America, it will look like there is not enough protein. Even the soup is made out of spring herbs!

One of the comments posted under my friend's photo had me laughing tears. One of the commenters said:
반찬이 개마고원이네. 대자연을 펼쳐놓은듯.
This is not a standard internet slang. In fact, this is the first time I have heard this expression. But Korean internet users value fresh expressions that are appropriate and humorous to the situation, and I thought that this was a perfect example of such an expression.

In the first half of the above quote, the commenter compares the 반찬 to 개마고원 (Kaema Plateau). Here is the picture of 개마고원:

"고원" means "highland/plateau." "개마" is just the name of this plateau, and it is located in North Korea.

개마고원 is well-known to the Koreans for a couple of reasons.

First of all, it is the largest highland plateau in the Korean peninsula, so you learn to memorize its name in school. It is also known for being home to many wild animals, and it is said to be very well-preserved due to sparse population.

But perhaps more importantly, it is also one of the maps that appear on Starcraft... I suppose I will never know which of these two reasons prompted the above comment, but I have my suspicions.

Anyway, the first part of the quote compares the 반찬 to 개마고원, which seems pretty hilarious both for the comparison, but also the random appearance of 개마고원, which is appropriate but unexpected.

The second half of the quote is also not very different. The commenter says that "대자연,"or "the great nature" is spread out on the table, and the grandeur of the comment contrasts with the simple meal to create humour.

These kinds of fresh expressions are welcomed and well-loved on the Korean internet. This kind of creativity is what makes the Korean internet unique (it contrasts with the deadpan humour of Reddit in my opinion, for example.) This must also be one of the reasons why the Korean internet slang has such a short lifespan. Many of these slang come from novel expressions from random internet users that caught on, and as there is no shortage of witty internet users, the internet slang keeps evolving at a breakneck speed.


  1. Thank you for your consistent content! I've been reading them almost everyday, and they're always so entertaining and educational! Please continue!!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment! I'm planning on continuing, we'll see how it goes! :)

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